This is a little on the brutal side....
I had two peanut butter sandwiches and some Mr Noodle both yesterday and today. I feel just bad. I'm exhausted, I have no energy. I think I may have to splurge on an orange or something tomorrow. Imagine the long term effects on my health if I ate this crap all the time. I was walking to my girlfriend's place after class and I almost keeled over. I looked at the nutritional info on the back of the package and it was almost all salt and fat.
What if I had a headache and needed an asprin? What if I run out of something like toothpaste, or shampoo? I'm struggling just to feed myself for the week and get to school and back.
I'm hungry..
Hey Ameil,
Today is the first day I have felt the effects of trying to live on 5 bucks a day. My general thoughts are:
It sucks
You have no freedom
You have to be an incredible planner and organizer.
I am thankful for St. John's Community kitchen for providing free meals the meals and the meals relatives have given me. It is the only thing that has allowed me to eat somewhat "normally".
I have a lot more respect for people who receive social assistance in the form of OW.
Oh, for pity's sake. You can't read the label, and you surely can't do arithmetic. It's an 85g package, so 1,540 mg of salt is 1.5 g, or about 2%. yes, 16g of fat is high, but that still means 67.5g is carbs and protein. If, as I often did, you throw in a can of flaked light tuna ($1) packed in water, you add a whopping 28g of protein, neglible fat, and no carbs, leaving you with a total of 35g of protein, 48 of carbs, and 16g of fat, or roughly a 3:4:1 protein/carb/fat ratio. Now, it may not be the tastiest thing in the world, but it's certainly not unhealthy.
Plus, if you don't use the 'flavour packet' that comes with the noodles, you cut almost all the salt. Use some chile sauce instead.
Your problem is you only see your problems and not solutions. It's not that hard to live cheaply and nutritiously if you use your head.
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